Showing posts with label Neuroglialcells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neuroglialcells. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Neuroglial Cells - Nervous System

  Neuroglial Cells - Nervous System

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 Neuroglial cells | Neuroglial cells are also known as supporting cells of Nervous System. They alosplay very significant role in the conduction of nerve impulses. Without them its almost impossible for brain and whole Nervous systems to work properly.
              There are many supporting cells in our Nervous system. Some of them are Mentioned below. 
  1. Astrocytes
  2. Microgliai
  3. Satellite cells
  4. Schwann cells
  5. Oligodendrocytes
  6. Ependymal cells
Each of above are explained in details below:

  •  They are the star shaped neuroglial cells.
  •   They are the most abundant neuroglial cells found in human body th am other neuroglial cells. 
  • Their main function is to control the chemical composition of all the neurons. 
  • They also forms Brain Blood Barrier (BBB)   

 2. Microglia 

  •   They are the smaller sized neuroglial cells.
  •   They acts as the phagocytes of whole nervous system.

3. Satellite cells 

4. Schwann cells

  They form myelin sheath in the axons of Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).        

5. Oligodendrocytes

6. Ependymal cells
  • They lines the ventricles and central canal.
They contains microvilli and cilia in them.   

Nice to know 

Gyri (singular-gyrus) :- They are the ridges (elevations) in cerebrum.

Sulci (singular-sulcus) :- They are the  Grooves (depressions) in cerebrum.

Fissure :- They are deep sulcus present in brain.

Association tracts :- They are the axons that connect gyri in the same hemisphere.

Commissural tracts :- They are the axons that connect gyri in one hemisphere to the corresponding gyri in the other hemisphere.

 Eg. Corpus callosum, anterior commissure, posterior commissure.

Insula :- It is considered as 5th lobe by sime scientists. It lies beneath the temporal lobe.

      Terms related to Nervous System 

  • Nucleus
  • Ganglion
  • Tract
  • Gray matter
  • White matter

They are explained below. 

Nucleus: Nucleus is the collection of cell bodies in the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Ganglion : It is the collection of cell bodies in the  Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Tract: It is the collection of nerve fibers (axon) in the CNS .

Nerve: It is the collection of nerve fibers (axons) in the PNS.

Gray matter: These contains cell bodies, unmyelinated axons and dendrites.

White matter: These contains myelinated axons only (myelin is white here).


   Basal nuclei (Basal ganglia)

  1.  Cluster of cell bodies in the wall of the cerebral hemisphere.

  1. It comprises Caudate Nucleus, Globus Pallidus and Putamen.

  1. It is related to initiation and termination of muscular movements.

  1.  Lesions in this part may result in Parkinson's disease.

  1.  Globus Pallidus + Putamen = Lentiform Nucleus.                                                                               Keywords includes           Neuroglialcells, neuroglia, nerve cells, neurogliafunction, nervoussystem                       If you liked our article on Neuroglial cells please share this with your Friends.