Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Medicare - Health Tips You must know

      Health Tips you must know. 

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  • Due to lack of 1% water in the body we feel thirsty and death occurs due to deficiency of 10% water.
  • If you want to improve your eyesight, eat fennel seeds daily.
  • Soaking 1-2 figs in water overnight and eating in the morning will reduce weight rapidly because figs have high fibre.
  • Russia says it has a Covid vaccine called "SPUTNIK-V".
  • It is possible that half of our brain can be removed in a surgery and it still won't affect our memories.
  • When we are awake our brain can produce 10-25 watts of electrical power enough to power a light bulb.
  • A child's brain is more efficient in reading and writing skills.
  • Our brain at the age of 5 is 95% developed and fully developed at the age of 18.
  • You can't feel pain in your brain brain as there are no nerves.
  • Use an ice cube to shrink your pimple if you got it before something important.
  • Drinking a lot of water during day will cause less stress to your body at night.
  • Cold shower are actually good for you. They help relieve depression and keep skin and hair healthy.
  • Adding Vodka to your Shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp and stop dandruff.
  • If you are looking foe ways to accelerate your hairgrowth, onion and garlic can help you in doing so.
  • Keep bananas fresh longer by wrapping the stems in plastic wrap.
  • Drinking green tea before bed will allow your body to burn calories while sleeping. Green tea also increases your metabolism.
  • If you are ever feeling sleepy, hold your breath as long as you can, then breath out slowly. It increases your heart rates.
  • If you eat something too spicy, water will do virtually nothing. However dairy products will neutralize the pain instantly.
Novamin in the toothpaste is only the active ingredient that actually does repair teeth.

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